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How to Improve the Design and Flow of Your Backyard

Vinyl Fencing

Patriot Ledger recently featured a “Home Help Tip of the Week” which lists a number of useful hints for how homeowners can improve the design flow and functionality of their backyards. This is especially important for Orange County homeowners. Many of us don’t have enormous backyards, so we want to optimize the space we have. But for small and large backyards alike, I think we can all agree that we want to take advantage of our year-round great weather by enjoying our backyards and patios!

Here are some of the tips highlighted in the article:

“Many strategies can enhance the flow and function of a home’s interior and how a family lives and uses the space. But what about a home’s exterior? When it comes to a yard, the same thoughtfulness can help homeowners create functional spaces outdoors that not only look great, but also deliver maximum enjoyment.

Recreation: Designate at least one segment of your yard for open space, and plant grass or another plant that’s friendly to foot traffic.

Property line: Define your property with attractive trees, shrubbery and fencing. Try mixing sizes of beautiful vinyl fence in different areas, with a 6-foot-tall section in the back to increase privacy.

Relaxation: Define deck or patio space with multifunctional furniture, decorative accents and outdoor dining necessities.

Amenities: Do you have a pool, spa or meditation garden? Add definition to these amenities while also protecting privacy with attractive professional-grade fencing.”

Notably, one of the tips mentions fencing, a fixture typically thought of as a purely functional security barrier. While it is a very convenient way to delineate property limitations, fencing can also provide an aesthetic element to the landscape.

However, some homeowners will find installing even the simplest type of fence can be very difficult or confusing. Folks who have trouble adding vinyl fencing in Orange County shouldn’t hesitate to call upon local contractors like Showtime Vinyl.

There are a number of factors to consider aside from what material a fence should be made of. There’s also the overall design of the barrier to ponder upon and its scale. Wooden fences, in particular, are prized for their classical look and feel, but they’re easily susceptible to damage. As an alternative, some owners choose vinyl instead because it is more resistant and durable.

Installing is certainly a lot harder than choosing because fences need to be properly laid out before any work can be done. Structural imperfections on any patch of land are unavoidable; sometimes there will be areas that fences can’t be built on so residents might have to compromise on their ideal design. Fortunately, a skilled contractor can help you with your layout and a serve as a good source for a durable vinyl fence in Orange County.